The Executive further agrees that if any part of the agreements set forth in this Agreement or its application is construed as invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder of the Agreement or Agreements shall be in full force and effect without regard to any invalid or unenforceable portions thereof. But some redundancy phrases are so common that you might as well point them out. Today I talked to a friend about power and effect. I then checked EDGAR and found that the phrase appeared in 2,991 "substantive contracts" filed last month. This makes power and effect an integral part of the contractual landscape. Garner`s Dictionary of Legal Usage says it has "become part of the legal idiom." 11. Governing Law; Divisibility. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. If any provision of this Agreement is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable, the parties agree that the court shall have the authority to modify, amend, or alter such provision(s) to make the Agreement legal and enforceable. If this Agreement cannot be modified to be enforceable, except for the general disclaimer, this provision will immediately become null and void, so that the remainder of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. If the general wording of the release is found to be illegal or unenforceable, the Board member agrees to make an appropriate binding replacement release or, at the request of the Company, to return amounts paid under this Agreement. The protesters went into effect when the president arrived in Stockholm. "Power and effect." Legal Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,

Retrieved 11 October 2022. If for any reason any provision of this Agreement or part of a provision is held to be invalid, . and each of such other provisions and parts thereof shall remain in full force and effect in accordance with the law. Garner suggests that "the emphasis on force and effect may justify the use of the term, in drafting (treaties and statutes) rather than in court opinions." But this ignores the nature of contract language – it serves to convince anyone of anything, so this kind of emphasis has no place in a contract. This warranty will remain in full force until .. 7. Governing Law and Interpretation. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any action to enforce or violate this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Circuit Court located in and for Palm Beach County, Florida.

If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or unenforceable and cannot be modified to be enforceable, except for the general release provision, that provision shall immediately become null and void, and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement is the result of negotiations and agree that it shall not be construed against any party on the basis of sole authorship. The parties agree that in any dispute relating to this Agreement (as determined by the competent court(s)), the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys` fees and related costs, including attorneys` fees and costs associated with an appeal. Appropriate force is the degree of violence that is appropriate and not excessive to defend one`s person or property. A person who uses such force has the right to do so and is not criminally or civilly responsible for the conduct. and each of the agreements and obligations contained in the loan agreement and other loan documents is hereby affirmed with the same force and effect as if each had been separately set forth herein and entered into as of the date of this agreement; But the ubiquity of the phrase cannot hide the fact that you`d better get rid of violence and/or full force, as the case may be. 5. Agreement in force and in full effect. Unless expressly modified by this Second Amendment, the terms of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and the Agreement as modified by this Amendment and all of its terms, including, but not limited to, warranties and representations, are hereby ratified and confirmed by the Trust and Daylight Saving Time from the Effective Date.

The expression is used without force or effect and with the same force and effect, but more often than not, you see it in full force and effect.

In addition to the general principles of good labour relations practice, dismissals, reductions and severance payments are governed by the provisions of the Reduction and Severance Pay Act. The provisions of this Act apply only to employees who meet the legal definition of "employee" under the Industrial Relations Act and who have completed at least one (1) year of service. Employment contracts are governed by the principle of contract law according to which a contract cannot be modified without the consent of the opposing party. Therefore, caution should be exercised when drafting all employment contracts. In addition, appropriate procedures should be followed when it becomes necessary to renegotiate any aspect of the employment relationship. In addition to the employment contract, certain terms and conditions of employment and/or obligations and rights of the employer and employee may also be required by statute or implied under common law, including those relating to, for example, minimum wage, severance reductions and severances, maternity leave, and health and safety. In addition to its political stability, strategic location and significant natural resources (especially natural gas), Trinidad and Tobago is attractive to foreign investors because of its skilled and productive workforce. The population is educated and has a high level of literacy. As the most industrialized Caribbean nation, Trinidad and Tobago has an experienced workforce in various activities, including all aspects of the oil, gas and petrochemical industries. An arbitral award or a decision of the Labour Court may be challenged only on the grounds that the Labour Court did not exercise its jurisdiction or exceeded its jurisdiction, that the order was obtained fraudulently, that it was vitiated by an error of law or that there was a specific illegality in the course of the proceedings. The Labour Court`s finding that an employee was dismissed in circumstances that were not in accordance with the principles of good labour relations practice is not subject to appeal. If the court finds that an employee was wrongly dismissed, it may award the employee reinstatement and/or financial damages, including damages and punitive damages.

The Labour Court has the power to make an award which it considers fair and just, having regard to the interests of the persons directly concerned and the community as a whole, the merits of the case before it and the principles of good labour relations practice. The Act also provides for mandatory mediation of labour disputes between an employer and its employees concerning the dismissal, employment, non-employment, suspension, refusal of employment, reinstatement or reinstatement of such workers and includes disputes relating to conditions of employment. According to the law, a labour dispute can only be initiated by (i) the employer, (ii) the majority recognized union for the collective bargaining unit to which the employee belongs, or (iii) if there is no recognized majority union, a union in which the employee(s) involved in the dispute are honourable members. For employees who do not belong to a trade union or for matters that do not fall within the jurisdiction of the Labour Court, disputes are usually settled amicably or by a traditional action for termination of the employment contract. The Labour Court established under the Industrial Relations Act has jurisdiction to hear and resolve "commercial disputes" between an employer and its employees, including disputes relating to the dismissal of employees, through compulsory arbitration. The Court shall exercise its jurisdiction in accordance with the principles of fairness, good conscience and good practice in industrial relations. However, this specialised court does not replace the traditional jurisdiction of the High Court for actions for breach of contract of employment or unfair dismissal. Ideally, employment contracts should be in writing, but there is no general rule to that effect. In practice, they are often done partly orally, partly in writing. Often, the basic terms and conditions of employment are set out in a letter of appointment, which usually includes a job description or an indication of the duties required, as well as a general provision that the employee must perform all other necessary duties.

If workers are represented by a recognised majority trade union, the terms of a collective agreement between the employer and the union may also govern the employment relationship. In addition to this general customary legal obligation, the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) establishes a legal framework for occupational health and safety. The scope of the law goes beyond traditional industrial operations to include stores, offices and other workplaces. The employer has a general customary duty to take reasonable care of the safety of its employees during the period of their employment, including the obligation to provide competent personnel, appropriate facilities and equipment, a safe workplace and a safe work system. Compliance with these regulations is critical because, in addition to certain criminal penalties, OSHA gives workers the right to refuse work if there is a danger to safety or health. Health, safety, health and safety, occupational health and safety Under the Workers` Compensation Act, an employer is required to pay compensation for injury or death to an employee as a result of a workplace injury. The value of this benefit is calculated according to a prescribed formula and depends in part on a medical assessment of the worker`s permanent partial disability. In the event of death or serious and permanent incapacity, the employer remains liable, even if the accident may have been caused by serious and intentional misconduct on the part of the employee. The amounts payable for workers` compensation are relatively modest. However, paying workers` compensation to an employee does not preclude the employee from bringing any other action he or she may have against the employer (for example, negligence).

However, in determining the compensation due to the worker, the Court takes into account the amount paid to him as workers` compensation. The Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of "status," which includes: (i) sex (but not sexual preference or orientation), (ii) race, (iii) ethnic origin, (iv) origin, including geographic origin, (v) religion, (vi) marital status, (vii) disability (including mental or mental illness or disorder). Age is not a category protected by law. Discrimination occurs when an employer treats an employee or potential employee less. However, the regulation does not apply to employees who receive an hourly rate of at least 1.5 times the minimum wage. Explanatory memorandum - Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2018 Contributions are calculated on the basis of a formula set out in the Social Security Act. Essentially, the legislation sets out several "categories of earnings," each of which involves "assumed average weekly earnings." Earnings include more than salary or base salary, but include acting allowances, overtime, scholarships, allowances, commissions, production or efficiency bonuses, on-call service payments, hazard or dirt allowances, and dependents` allowances. The contribution payable for an individual employee is based on the assumed average weekly earnings of the class to which the individual employee belongs and a statutory rate adjusted from time to time. Effective September 2016, the legislated rate was increased to 13.2% of insurable earnings. Although these conditions are prima facie void because they are contrary to public policy, they may be enforceable if they are proportionate both between the parties and in the public interest. A restriction that purportedly takes effect after the termination of the employment relationship is not appropriate unless it protects certain legally recognized property interests of the employer. Even where those recognised interests are concerned, the restriction imposed on the employee must not exceed what is reasonably necessary to protect that interest, failing which they shall be null and void.

The terms of the employment contract should be carefully considered, as they clarify many important issues, such as the notice period required for dismissal and the conditions that the employer deems necessary to protect its intellectual property rights and trade secrets. Where appropriate, the contract may contain restrictive agreements prohibiting a former employee from setting up a competing business or working for a competitor in a given territory for a certain period of time. MOTOR VEHICLES AND ROAD TRAFFIC ACT (ENFORCEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION) CHAPTER 48:52 Current authorized pages Authorized safety: This includes regulations on the supply of clothing and protective devices, dust and smoke suppression, and machinery protection; The Equality Act generally prohibits employers from discriminating against employees or prospective employees on the basis of their gender, race, ethnicity, geographical origin, religion, marital status or disability.

Reference Dosimetry Definition

Internal dosimetry is used to assess the committed dose due to the ingestion of radionuclides in the human body. The FDA readily accepts dosimetry calculations when reviewing new IND applications, speeding up the approval process Internal dosimetry in drug development is mainly used from two points of view [72]. For early phase I or phase I clinical trials, dosimetry is performed after administration of radiopharmaceuticals to provide standard diagnostic dose estimates and to define dose-limiting organs in a limited number of healthy volunteers. A second type of dosimetry is used to monitor treatment, and therefore performed before therapeutic administration of drugs for all patients undergoing treatment. Organ-specific dosimetry estimates (target and baseline) and total dose equivalent are calculated in diagnostic studies, while treatment planning focuses regionally on dosimetric estimates that correspond to the treatment area [69,71,72]. In general, reference fields with field sizes of 10 × 10 cm2 in CoPs are recommended. In the presence of a magnetic field and in orthogonal MRI-Linac systems (Figure 6), the following characteristics of a reference field change: In DIN 6800-2 (March 2008), Table 6, IAEA TRS 398, Table 14 and AAPM TG 51, Table I, the correction factors kQ are indicated as a function of the radiation quality index Q for different chambers under reference conditions. The corresponding kQ value can be interpolated for the cylindrical chamber PTW-31013. The values in Table 6 of DIN 6800-2 (March 2008) are replaced by a polynomial 4. Table 4. Overview of the work on simulations with the types of chambers studied and the relevant characteristics of the methodology used.

The definition of the orientation of the chamber with respect to the magnetic field vector is given in section 4.1 and Figure 7. In order to account for stochastic health risk, calculations are made to convert the absorbed physical dose into equivalent and effective doses, the details of which depend on the type of radiation and the biological context. For radiation protection and dosimetry evaluation applications, the ICRP and the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) have published recommendations and data that are used to calculate them. With the rapid increase in clinical treatments with MRI-based magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) based on MRI-Linacs, a consistent, harmonized and sustainable basis for reference dosimetry in MRI-Linacs in the form of a Code of Practice (CoP) is needed. Since there are several CoP for reference dosimetry in conventional linacs MV photon beams (Lillicrap et al 1990, Almond et al 1999, Andreo et al 2000, Aalbers et al 2008), which led to good consistency in the methods applied (Saiful Huq et al 2001, Andreo et al 2002, 2013, Perik et al 2013), it is very preferable such a CoP for reference dosimetry in MRI linacs in addition to existing CoP for conventional linacs. Fricke dosimetry consists of measuring the conversion of iron ions present in the solution due to ionizing radiation into iron ions by spectrophotometry. The Fricke dosimeter consists of a 96% aqueous solution, so its radiation attenuation is very similar to that of water and can be used in the dose range of 5 Gy–400 Gy with dose rates up to 106 Gy/s. Radiation dosimetry in the fields of health physics and radiation protection is the measurement, calculation and evaluation of the dose of ionizing radiation absorbed by an object, usually the human body. This applies both indoors, through ingestion or inhalation of radioactive substances, and outdoors through irradiation from radiation sources.

The magnetic field influences the calibration coefficients of the ionization chambers used in CoP (Meijsing et al 2009, Reynolds et al 2013, O`Brien et al 2016). In order to differentiate in the reference conditions (i.e. the presence of the magnetic field) between the beam used to calibrate the chamber and the MRI-Linac beam, the magnetic field correction factor is introduced by O`Brien et al (2016), van Asselen et al (2018) and Malkov and Rogers (2018), using slightly different notations from the measurement equation with different terminology and symbols. Van Asselen et al. (2018) use the following formulation: the evaluation of internal dosimetry is based on various monitoring, bioassay or radiological imaging techniques, while external dosimetry is based on measurements taken with a dosimeter or derived from measurements from other radiation protection instruments. In summary, the presence of small air spaces around ionization chambers increases the variation of reaction change due to small variations in positioning that affect the size and symmetry of the air spaces. In addition, the air space has a significant effect on the change in response compared to none (or a water-filled air space). While the first effect seems to be mainly relevant for 1.5 T MRI linacs, the second has a significant impact on the two field strengths used in commercially available systems, 0.35 T and 1.5 T. In addition to the above factors, the influence of air gaps on chamber response depends on the orientation of the chamber axis, the beam axis and the magnetic field. In general, it is concluded that the use of solid phantoms or leak-proof sleeves for reference dosimetry or quality assurance measures in MRI linacs is not appropriate due to the unavoidable presence of submillimetre air slats and the unknown distribution of air gap thickness. Instead, the sensitive volume of the ionization chamber must be completely immersed in water for reproducible results, and the leak-proof chamber appears less suitable for reference dosimetry in MRI linacs.

SSDLs are recognized and accredited by the country`s metrological authority, such as the National Laboratory, as it is responsible for transmitting quantities to the end-user in their country to ensure appropriate metrological consistency between users against their standards [1, 2]. Since it is possible to find more than one SSD in a country, an internal network must be set up and a regular comparison carried out by the national laboratory. To meet these premises, radiation detectors must be calibrated according to a universal protocol agreed between professional societies, and quantities must be linked to BIPM standards, as decided in the Metro Convention. The propagation of these quantities to the end-user is carried out by the calibration laboratory in each country, either nationally or secondarily, according to a logical chain of events as described in Figure 1. The relationship between the endpoint and radiation dose factors was variable, with some studies showing a strong correlation while others showing no correlation.639-642 Some of the factors that make it more difficult to establish a dose-response relationship for TaRT compared to external beam radiation therapy may include the relative uncertainty associated with TaRT dose calculations. the heterogeneity of dose deposition that occurs with TaRT, the effects of dose rate and the excretion/clearance variation between the active substance and the patient. Although most normal organ tolerance values for external radiation have been determined using high-dose rate radiation and vary with fraction size, the dose rate for TaRT is often small and variable, limiting the validity of extrapolation of high-dose rate tolerance values to those expected for TaRT. Fractionation of TaRT can increase the total tolerated dose of radionuclides, as in the case of an external beam.53,210 Several studies have shown how biological factors affect tolerance, but are not included in standard dose and toxicity ratios. Activity is usually reported per kg or per square meter, as is often the case with chemotherapy. The most suitable candidate for this is now alanine.

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